Technique... skill... confidence ...

1:1 Driver Development Courses

You'll be amazed at what you can do!

“Learning to drive a rally car is like climbing a ladder. Every step represents one of the infinite range of variables a rally driver can encounter and is a piece of invaluable knowledge.” Bill Gwynne

We tailor our coaching to the experience of each individual driver to help them achieve their objectives from the course. And rally driving coaching works for drivers from most forms of motorsport and performance car driving, not just stage rally driving. Drivers from circuit racing, track days, classic cars, kart racing and endurance rallying have all used rally driving coaching to broaden their range of driving techniques and improve their overall driving confidence.

“The key to acquiring as much knowledge as possible is to complete each step fully, before moving on to the next step.” Bill Gwynne

We combine drivers’ specific objectives and preferred style of learning with our range of coaching techniques and in-car video analysis to present a comprehensive, objective assessment of their driving.


To provide a thorough grounding in the core rally driving techniques drivers will be coached in the following areas

  • Balancing the car with throttle, brakes and steering
  • The principles and practice of weight transfer
  • The principles and practice of oversteer
  • Using the full range of throttle movement
  • Lift off oversteer
  • Inducing and controlling power slides
  • Avoiding understeer, countering understeer
  • Developing the co-ordination required to complete efficient handbrake turns
  • Effective braking and judgment of braking distances
  • Looking ahead and reading the road
  • Line selection and adjustment
  • Identifying levels of grip and surface changes

The course is an intensive, focussed and hugely rewarding learning experience, you will be genuinely amazed at what we can help you achieve.

Select your Development Route

National 1:1 Driver Development Half Day

National 1:1 Driver Development Half Day

We will introduce you to the wonderful world of rally driving and invite you to challenge yourself to develop your skill level in the core set of rally driving techniques. It’s just you and your Motorsport UK Licensed Rally Driving Coach working together to achieve your goals. You’ll be guided and encouraged to explore your limits and push past them!

Course fees from £695

International 1:1 Driver Development One Day

International 1:1 Driver Development One Day

The ProRally Driver 1:1 International course totally immerses you into the wonderful world of rally driving. Your Motorsport UK Licensed Rally Driving Coach will work with you to achieve your objectives. We’ve applied the proverb ‘repetition is the mother of learning’ to the design of our rally special stage to enable you to produce great power slides, the ideal rally line and perfect the handbrake turns by the end of the course.

Course fees from £975

World Rally 1:1 Driver Development 3-10 Days

World Rally 1:1 Driver Development 3-10 Days

For drivers who want a comprehensive grounding in rally driving this course can be completed in one car or combine coaching in rear, front and four wheel drive cars. It’s based on Bill Gwynne's philosophy that each step on the rally driving ladder should be completed fully and that a fully rounded rally driver can drive each type of car equally well. It provides drivers with one of the most complete, intensive and fulfilling rally driver training courses available anywhere in the world.

Please call 01280 705570 to discuss your personal training plan.

Welsh Forest Gravel 1:1 Driver Development

Welsh Forest Gravel 1:1 Driver Development

Using the famous rally special stages of Sweet Lamb and Walters Arena we apply the principles of the ProRally Driver 1:1 coaching format to coach drivers in the techniques required to drive on competitive gravel Rally Special Stages. Coaching is in drivers' own car and is designed to give them invaluable guidance and experience in identifying the very specific approach to selecting the optimum line, grip levels and much, much more!

Please call 01280 705570 to discuss your personal training plan.

Tarmac School 1:1 Driver Development

Tarmac School 1:1 Driver Development

We apply the principles of the ProRally Driver 1:1 coaching format to coach drivers in the particular techniques required to drive on competitive tarmac rally roads. Completed in driver’s own car it is available as a bespoke one or two day course and designed to give drivers invaluable experience in identifying the specific approach to selecting the optimum line, grip levels, braking distances and much more!

Please call 01280 705570 to discuss your personal training plan.

Junior Driver 1:1 Driver Development

Junior Driver 1:1 Driver Development

For parents who want to prepare their son or daughter for the Junior1000 Rally Championship or to begin competitive rallying when they’ve passed their driving test, this is a most thorough and comprehensive coaching programme. Centred on Bill Gwynne’s ‘Rally Ladder’ principle drivers are coached to develop a thorough understanding of the core set rally driving techniques to give them a solid foundation to build their rally career.

Please call 01280 705570 to discuss your personal training plan.


Professional Racing Driver

Enaam Ahmed British F3 Champion 2017

“The best racing driver in the world is going to be the most versatile . . . the trick to being the best racing driver possible is having an adaptable driving style – being able to change from aggressive to smooth, this to that. It (rally driving training at Bill Gwynne Rallyschool International] helps when you go to new tracks like Pau, when you’ve got to feel everything and use your instinct. Rally driving helps you pick that up a lot more because you just have to drive what you feel rather than what you know. Rally driving has definitely improved my ability! My first pole position of the year was at Pau in wet qualifying. I went on the rally training course just before Pau and I think it made a big difference – my car control was really good. I would definitely recommend it to young drivers coming out of karting because it’s good for them to understand how you can drift a car. Even for older drivers it would still be beneficial.”

Interview with Matt Kew, Autosport Magazine

Amateur Racing Driver

Adam Knight Lotus Cup

“I raced at Spa a few days after my ProRally Driver Course.  I qualified 3rd and finished 4th in the race.  The rally training proved invaluable, I had lots of oversteer in the wet and would almost certainly been off had I not spent the day with you guys. Thank you!”

Track Day Drive

Ross Drybrough Porsche GT3

“I’ve done over two hundred track days and I honestly thought I’d be great at rally driving as I could ‘drive’. What I didn’t realise was how challenging and humbling an experience it was going to be for me. I started to get it but I definitely didn’t get it to the degree I’d expected. It’s given me a new perspective and I’m a lot more confident on the track. Rally driving is so much more involving than circuit driving, I have a great admiration for rally drivers.”