Technique, skill, confidence . . .

Junior Driver 1:1 Driver Development

David Burden
Junior 1000 Rally Champion

The key, particularly for Junior rally drivers taking their first steps on the rally ladder is to complete each step fully before moving onto the next.

Bill Gwynne enjoyed coaching drivers at all levels to achieve a higher skill level driving a rally car than they often thought they were cable of. He particularly enjoyed coaching young drivers at the beginning or in the early stages of their careers.

This is where he knew he could have the maximum impact in instilling the very best fundamental techniques, ensuring completion of every step of the learning process fully, before moving on to the next. This delivered an immediate benefit to drivers, but most importantly for Bill, they would carry the techniques with them as they progressed in their driving careers.

Call: +44 (0) 1280 705570 Email:

Who is the Course for?

  • Parents of drivers between 11 years and 17 years of age
  • Drivers aged between 11 years and 17 years old who can confidently and competently drive a manual gearbox car with good clutch control and gear changes. We have adjustable seats and pedals for shorter drivers.
  • Drivers who are planning entry into the J1000 Rally Championship
  • Drivers already competing in the J1000 Rally Championship
  • Drivers competing in karting, circuit racing or other Junior motorsport events
  • Drivers whose parents wish them to develop a good standard of car control before passing their driving test

What is the objective of the course?

To provide Junior drivers with a high skill level in the core range of loose surface rally driving techniques.

With a focus on technique not speed, we coach the progressive and safe development of the solid foundation driver’s will use to develop their rally and driving careers.

Cars included on this course

Classic MKII Ford Escort

Classic MKII Ford Escort

Magical Nissan Micra

Magical Nissan Micra

Customers own car

Customers own car

Call: +44 (0) 1280 705570 Email:

How do we coach drivers?

Our team of driving coaches has extensive national and international rally driving experience and a passion for using that experience to coach young drivers to develop the best loose surface rally driving techniques. Our coaching is based on Bill Gwynne’s "Rally Driving Ladder of Learning".

Rally Driving Ladder of Learning

Bill Gwynne’s Rally Driving Ladder of Learning is a metaphor for the process of learning rally driving techniques and forms the basis of our objective to give drivers' parents the confidence that their son or daughter has been coached in a safe and progressive environment geared towards their safe and competent progress in competitive rallies. 

Each step on the ladder represents one of the infinite range of variables a rally driver has to learn to be the most complete, confident and safe driver they can be. Each step is a piece of invaluable knowledge and combines rally driving techniques, driving surfaces, speed, mechanical knowledge, mechanical sympathy, tyres and crucially how the driver and co-driver work as a team.

The key, particularly for Junior rally drivers taking their first steps on the rally ladder is to complete every step fully before moving on to the next. It is possible for drivers to jump from step one to step five for example and still be fast, but at some stage of their career they will need steps two three and four. Without them, there will be a hole in the ladder and they’ll fall through it.

Our Junior Driver Scholarship Drivers

Course Formats and Prices

Rally Experience Programme

ProRally Driver 1:1 Programme


Classic MKII Ford Escort MKII / Magical Nissan MicraClassic MKII Ford Escort MKII / Magical Nissan Micra / Drivers own car


Rally Experience Days in a group of up to five driversProRally Driver 1:1 Format


2 per monthMonthly or Bi-Monthly to fit in with competitive events, family life and with school holidays


from £299.00 per sessionfrom £695.00 per session